Educational Workshops


Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

Drs. John and Julie Gottman have revolutionized couples counseling and I'm excited to introduce you to their work! Dr. John Gottman gained prestige in the mental health field by conducting over 40 years of groundbreaking couples research that identified the good and the bad patterns in relationships. He used this research to accurately predict divorce with over 90% accuracy. The Seven Principles Workshop is based on his 40 years of research to help couples gain practical tools and insights needed for a strong, lasting relationship. It supports and repairs damaged relationships, and strengthens healthy ones.  This workshop isn't based on opinion, it's based on science!  It is for couples at all stages of their relationship, premarital, newlywed, or decades into marriage.

In this workshop, you will develop skills to:

marriage help Fargo ND
  • Deepen intimacy and build trust in your relationship

  • Make conflict work for your relationship

  • Identify your solvable vs. perpetual issues

  • Strengthen your friendship with your partner

  • Communicate clearly and effectively with your partner

Bringing Baby Home (BBH)

Even the strongest relationships are strained during the transition to parenthood. Lack of sleep, never-ending housework, and new fiscal concerns can lead to profound stress and a decline in marital satisfaction – all of which affect baby’s care. Not surprisingly, 69% of new parents experience conflict, disappointment, and hurt feelings.

The Bringing Baby Home program prepares couples for life with the baby and helps them be the best parenting team possible. In a relaxed and supportive environment, parents learn to strengthen their relationship and foster baby’s development during this challenging time. These skills build on what Dr. Gottman and colleagues found is the best predictor of marital adjustment after baby arrives: the quality of friendship in the marriage.

marriage counseling Fargo ND

This workshop combines scientific research and public education to improve the quality of life for babies and children by strengthening their families. It teaches new parents how to gain relationship satisfaction and create healthy social, emotional and intellectual development for their children. Click here to learn more about Dr. Gottman’s parenting research.


Marital First Responders

For the everyday real conversations you have with friends and family.

relationship marriage help fargo

The Marital First Responders training is a cutting edge, innovative way to help marriages by tapping into the power of support networks - the people who care about those in marriages. Research suggests that 73% of people have had a friend confide in them regarding their marriage. The Marital First Responders workshop will equip you with more confidence and effectiveness in helping the married people in your life when they tell you about their problems or complaints. We all have the power to assist or harm our friends and the marriages. This workshop teaches you you how to be more intentional in conversations with others and be more useful to the person you’re talking with when they confide in you. It will also help you to keep your own sanity and boundaries so you don’t get exhausted or annoyed at a never-ending barrage of marital complaints. It helps you to create boundaries when you find yourself in the middle when both partners are telling you their one-sided story.  It also helps you to steer someone to professional help when they are stuck or in crisis.

Hold me tight

Marriage and couples counseling Fargo ND

This workshop was created by Dr. Sue Johnson and is designed to help couples have seven conversations based on her 40+ years of research with couples and best selling book Hold Me Tight. All of these conversations have been shown by research to be essential to helping couples feel connected and bonded in their relationship. You will learn how to create closeness, understanding, and connection with your partner. This is done through the presentation, private exercises, and conversations you will have with your partner. You will also watch other couples demonstrate these conversations in videos. This is a fun workshop that helps couples reconnect!